Lalor Park Public School

Truth, Courtesy, Understanding

Telephone02 9624 5173

Positive behaviour for learning

The positive behaviour for learning (PBL) framework is a significant approach for actively supporting student learning and for building student capacity at Lalor Park Public School (LPPS).

PBL is essentially a positive and proactive learning and behaviour management program. At LPPS we want our students to be actively engaged in their learning. 

The Lalor Park community is committed to working together to foster safe, respectful, responsible learners within a positive environment. This program uses positive reinforcement for students who display positive qualities and behaviour. 

Being safe means having:

  • a sense of dignity and worth
  • an ability to form satisfying and lasting relationships
  • a sense of personal and social responsibility for their actions and decisions
  • positive self-esteem, self confidence and self reliance
  • a school environment free from violence, discrimination, harassment, bullying and intimidation
  • safety within the school and at all school activities
  • peaceful resolution of conflict.

Being respectful means having:

  • a caring attitude towards others
  • harmonious student/teacher/parent relationships
  • respect for the rights and opinions of others
  • tolerance and acceptance of differences
  • respect for all teachers, other students and community members
  • good sportsmanship
  • respect for personal property, school property and the environment.

Being responsible means:

  • Looking after you equipment and taking pride in your work
  • Doing your Job
  • Looking after the school's equipment
  • Being there and being ready for learning.

Being a learner means having:

  • a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction from learning
  • a love of learning which inspires each one to develop fully to his/her potential,
  • sustained application to learning and willingness to accept challenges
  • personal responsibility and self-discipline
  • appreciation of the achievements of individuals and groups in academic, sporting, social and cultural areas.